
~*~ Newness ~*~

Despite the fact that it was snowing/blowing for most of the day, it kinda felt like spring in the shop. Lots of "new". Our big Danica order came in today with this year's new designs and I'm really liking them- apparently I'm not the only one, because I sold a few pieces before I could even get them on the shelf!
Another "new" is that we have the original painting finally up and for sale! We got the prints in the shop last week but were just waiting on the frame to hang it. I have to say it kinda feels too nice for the shop- but I'm not complaining : )

 Fernie is a town with a lot of civic pride. Actually I think it is safe to say, that I have never seen a community more proud of who they are than Fernie. Not in a "you suck, we're awesome" kind of way but just hmmmm.... I'm going to say healthy self-confidence : ) That being said I was reminded of this today as several people commented on this painting. They were so proud that a Fernie-born-and-raised was producing such amazing work, and that it showcased a scene that Fernie loves to promote. For those of you who have never been to Fernie (you should come!) this is 2nd Ave. (AKA: Main Street) the shopping centre of town which is composed of character-filled brick buildings. In the background is the ski hill. The hill is what brings people here, and the town is why people stay.

And because this is a flower blog.... here are a couple that went to the same girl for her 30th Birthday!

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